
Vietnam is grappling with various challenges in aquaculture, from climate change to environmental pollution and competition from other countries. However, the relentless efforts of people and businesses in the industry have helped improve product quality and create stable income. With new advancements in technology and production management, Vietnam’s aquaculture industry is notable for overcoming challenges and achieving sustainable development.

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Status of aquaculture in Vietnam

Vietnam’s aquaculture is currently facing various challenges, but it also holds significant potential and opportunities. This industry has become a key economic sector, contributing significantly to the country’s GDP and export value. However, this development is not yet fully sustainable, and many problems still need to be resolved.

Some fundamental advantages of Vietnam’s aquaculture industry

Vietnam boasts a coastline spanning over 3,260 kilometers along with an extensive network of rivers, canals, and estuaries, providing favorable conditions for aquaculture development. With approximately 4,000 islands of varying sizes, Vietnam has numerous bays, lagoons, and tidal channels that facilitate both exploitation and aquaculture.

According to the General Statistics Office, from 2010 to 2021, the water surface area dedicated to aquaculture increased from 641,900 hectares to 1,135,000 hectares, while production rose from 590,000 tons to 4,855,400 tons. This robust growth reflects the transition from traditional aquaculture practices to a modern and sustainable industry.

Challenges Facing Vietnam’s Aquaculture Industry

One of the significant issues is the exploitation of natural seafood resources, which has led to the depletion of aquatic resources. This compels the aquaculture sector to shift more strongly towards cultivation to meet domestic and export demands. However, aquaculture still encounters several difficulties, ranging from adopting modern technology and product quality management to linking various stages from cultivation to procurement, preservation, and consumption.

Notably, shrimp and pangasius farming – two key export products in Vietnam – still face limitations. Quality control from small-scale facilities remains challenging, resulting in inconsistent products that struggle to compete with similar offerings in the international market. Additionally, water pollution poses a significant risk, increasing costs and reducing the economic efficiency of the aquaculture industry.

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Goals and sustainable development directions of the industry

However, with the government’s attention and relevant agencies, along with the adoption of international standards such as HACCP, ASC, GLOBAL GAP, MSC, and VietGAP, Vietnam’s aquaculture industry still has strong development opportunities. Particularly, enhancing product quality and expanding export markets remain key priorities. To achieve this, stronger investments in technology, infrastructure, workforce training, and policy improvements to create favorable conditions for sustainable and effective aquaculture development.

By 2030, Vietnam aims to achieve aquaculture output of up to 7 million tons, with export revenue reaching 12 billion USD per year; The average growth rate of aquaculture value is targeted to exceed 4.5% per year. Over the next 8 years, Vietnam will invest in and upgrade essential infrastructure to meet production requirements for more than 50 aquaculture areas and concentrated seed production regions.

The government has identified 9 project groups with a total budget of 1 trillion VND for aquaculture development, along with 19 investment, upgrade, and infrastructure completion projects prioritized for a total budget of 6 trillion VND. Regarding shrimp exports, Vietnam expects a slight increase of 10-15%, aiming to reach 4 billion USD by 2024. The target of pangasius export is set at 2 billion USD by 2024.

To achieve these objectives, Vietnam is focusing on improving the production volume, quality, and economic efficiency of aquaculture. Environmental protection and climate adaptation are also crucial. Restructuring production activities and building value chains for each product group, with industrial aquaculture playing a key role, are emphasized.

Incentive policies will be applied to offshore industrial aquaculture enterprises, encouraging them to invest. Attention will also be given to creating a business community in offshore aquaculture in major coastal cities and provinces. Aquaculture and seafood processing centers, logistics services, and fishery infrastructure will be developed in coastal localities. Priority will be given to diversified farming models and supporting the transition from traditional to industrial models.

Promoting high technology adoption, international technology transfer, and investment attraction in this field will be encouraged, while relevant research projects will receive support. Vietnam aims to have an advanced aquaculture industry with sustainable development and system management by 2045.

Therefore, alongside leveraging existing advantages, applying scientific and technological innovations, and updating advanced aquaculture solutions are key to enhancing efficiency, productivity, and achieving sustainable development in Vietnam’s aquaculture industry. Recognizing this critical need, the Aquaculture Vietnam 2024 will serve as an ideal event for industry businesses to connect, share experiences, and stay updated on the latest technologies and solutions for Vietnam’s aquaculture.

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Aquaculture Vietnam 2024 – Breakthrough solutions for Vietnam’s aquaculture industry

Aquaculture Vietnam 2024 – Vietnam’s International Aquaculture Industry Event, will take place from October 9 to 11, 2024 at Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center (SECC, HCMC, Vietnam). This event promises significant value for attendees, including:

  • The exhibition attracts more than 100 exhibitors and an estimated 4,000 attendees from around the world, providing the ideal platform to connect with potential partners, investors, and new customers.
  • Attendees can explore the latest technologies, products, and services in the aquaculture industry by visiting various booths.
  • Aquaculture Vietnam 2024 offers an excellent opportunity to showcase your products and services to the international market.
  • Leading industry experts will share insights on the latest trends, challenges, and solutions in aquaculture.
  • Discover new solutions and technologies that enhance efficiency and sustainability in aquaculture operations.

Aquaculture Vietnam 2024 is a must-attend event for all businesses, organizations, and farmers involved in the aquaculture industry. Register today to ensure you don’t miss out on any of the exhibition’s valuable offerings.

Book a stand: https://www.aquafisheriesexpo.com/dat-gian-hang/


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Aquaculture Vietnam